Configuring Thunderbird for ConnectNC Mail

These instructions were created on a Mac.  the configuration may look a little different if you’re using the Windows operating system.

After downloading and installing Thunderbird, run the application and follow these directions.

1. Click on “Edit” and then select “Properties.” Click Edit and Properties
2. Click “Account Actions” and choose “Add Mail Account.” Add Mail Account
3. Enter the information that pertains to your account.  Type in your first name and your last name.  Type in your email address, which is in the format  Enter your password and make sure “Remember password” is checked.  Then click on “Continue.” Enter Your Information
4. Thunderbird will try to configure the mail server settings automatically.  When it finishes, click on the “Edit” button. Edit your Settings
5. Where you see the incoming and outgoing mail server settings, change each to

Make sure the incoming server type is POP.

The POP port number must be 110.

The SMTP server port must be 25.

Click on “Re-test Configuration” and then Click the “Create Account” button.

Edit your settings