Dear ConnectNC Customer,

Gmail is temporarily blocking messages from email addresses. Within the last week, a user account was compromised and used to attempt to send nearly 10,000 spam messages, a large number of which reached gmail users.

We’ve notified Google that the issue was discovered and rectified. Their policy is to wait a number of days to make sure the event is not still ongoing. We’ve been working with a third party to repair the damage the spammer caused to the domain name as well.

Password Security

For this reason, we are asking users to update your email passwords immediately.

Here are instructions for taking care of that now:

This method will only work for customers who use a email account.

To cut down on the volume of messages sent to gmail, we are also temporarily disabling forwarding. If you need to check your email from gmail, please follow their directions for accessing your account:

We apologize for the issue. We know how frustrating it is.

Thanks for your patience & understanding while we work to correct this problem.

Stay well,
Beth Morgan
& the ConnectNC staff