If you have a moderated list, you may not want recipients' replies to come to the list manager.? Recipients who choose to "reply-all," will be sending their responses to the list address as well as the poster.? As an administrator, you might find this to be an annoyance, so you can choose to discard or reject those messages.
First of all, you should select "Yes" under Member filters.? That will ensure that all new list member posts will be moderated.? Next to "Action to take when a moderated member posts to the list" choose "Hold," "Reject" or "Discard."
Hold:? This will keep the message for an administrator to review and make a decision about.
Reject:? This will bounce the message back to the sender.? You can create a rejection notice in the space below.? This can be used to explain to the sender why his or her message was rejected.
Discard:? This will silently discard the message.? No notice will be received by? the list administrator or the sender.
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ConnectNC does not support MailMan issues and is providing these instructions only as a brief tutorial. If you continue to experience problems with your browser, please contact the vendor.