Remove Email Account from Samsung Galaxy Print

  • 16

Galaxy S III
  1. Touch Apps
  2. Touch Email
  3. Touch Menu
  4. Touch Settings
  5. Touch Delete
  6. Touch the account you want to delete
  7. Touch Delete
  8. Touch Delete
  9. The e-mail account has been removed
Galaxy S4
  1. Touch Apps
  2. Touch Email
  3. Touch Menu
  4. Touch Settings
  5. Touch the Trash Icon
  6. Touch the account you want to delete
  7. Touch Delete
  8. Touch Delete
  9. The e-mail account has been removed
Galaxy S5
  1. From the home screen touch email
  2. While viewing the account you want to remove tap the menu icon
  3. Tap Settings
  4. Tap Manage Accounts
  5. Tap and hold the account name that you want to remove
  6. Tap the Trash Icon
  7. Tap Remove to Confirm

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